15 March 2023

Image of Old Kirkhamian, Will, talks about importance of work experience and internships

As part of #NCW2023, Old Kirkhamian and 2018/19 School Captain, Will Kollard (pictured above front left), spoke about his time at Durham University studying maths. He spoke about the importance of work experience and internships and how he has completed several of these including software engineering at UClan, Virtual Internships for JPMorgan Chase & Co and Investment Banking at Citi. Will was a market report analyst for the Durham Uni Finance Society and vice captain of the rugby team too.

He is currently undertaking a one year placement at Accenture as a strategy and consulting analyst in their financial services division. He discussed his interests in AI and Investor Trading.

Will also spoke about his LinkedIn profile and how it opened up intern opportunities as he grew his network of interests.

Tags: OKA 2022-2023 Careers