The Governors of Kirkham Grammar School are also Directors and Trustees of the Company. They determine the general policy of the School, delegating its day to day management to the Head and his Senior Leadership Team.

The Governors are appointed at either the Annual General Meeting or General Meetings.

Potential Governors are nominated by past or present Governors, the Head or other professional groups. The Governors follow their Recruitment and Selection of New Governors Policy when selecting and appointing new Governors.


Governors' Training

New Governors are inducted into the workings of the School, both as a Company and as a Charity, being by an initial induction and invited to attend all of the Sub-Committee Meetings, as well as the Board Meetings, in their first year of appointment. In addition they are provided with guidance from both AGBIS (Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools) and ISC (Independent Schools Council), and are given the opportunity to attend relevant training courses.


Organisational Management

The Governors generally meet three times a year. There are, in addition, four Sub-Committees comprising of Finance and Development; Curriculum and Pupil Affairs; Personnel and Boarding House. These Sub-Committees meet once per term. Governors also hold a Salary Review Body Meeting with staff representatives prior to each Finance & Development Meeting. Further meetings are held in order to address specific issues such as Strategic Planning or Building Projects. Governors also have Representatives to oversee different aspects of the school, ie Health and Safety; Child Protection; Combined Cadet Forces (CCF); Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Learning Support.


Synopsis of Governors


The Chair of Governors can be contacted via the Clerk to the Governors at the school address below:

Mr P Ribchester

Chair of Governors

Kirkham Grammar School
Ribby Road
