The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a very popular undertaking at Kirkham Grammar School and all pupils may now enroll on their bronze Award in the Third Year. There are three levels for the award; bronze, silver, and gold and each level of the award involves learning a skill, completing a physical activity, giving up some time to help others and preparing for and completing an expedition. Full details of the minimum age and the time needed to complete each level of the award can be found at the DofE website.
We would normally suggest pupils aim to complete their bronze award during the Third/Fourth Year, their silver award during Fourth/Fifth Year and then their gold award during the Sixth Form. Pupils can however opt to join the silver or gold Award directly however they will need to complete their activities over a longer period and meet the minimum age requirement for each level.
DofE expeditions are normally held in the October half-term, Easter holidays, and towards the end of the Summer term. DofE expedition training takes place with Mrs Sutcliffe in L3 on a Tuesday lunchtime. DofE information sessions for help with the eDofE record system and for help with ideas for each activity are held every lunchtime 12.45 pm - 13.15 pm in L3. Training days and practice expeditions are held several times a year. Dates for expeditions and training days are normally printed in the school diary for each term.
DofE Registration:
Mrs A Sutcliffe:
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