14 November 2016

Great two days of sport at Kirkham Grammar Junior School. On Friday 11 November lunchtime, the U9s played Netball v The Buchan School from the Isle of Man and then in the evening played AKS at boys and girls hockey. Also during lunch, the U11 boys played football v the Manx visitors. On Saturday morning it was no time for a lie in as the U11 Hockey girls played AKS and Stockport whilst the U9, U10 and U11 Rugby boys travelled to Liverpool to play Merchant Taylor's.
Four different sports (rugby, hockey, netball and football) in two days covering three age groups! There were wins, losses and draws but most importantly lots of fun. Thank you to Merchant Taylor's and AKS for hosting the fixtures and the wonderful visitors from the sunny Isle of Man. The busy run continues with swimming fixtures on Monday, Cross-country on Thursday, Boys Hockey on Friday and Girls Hockey on Saturday afternoon.