1 May 2017

AJIS Proms
Some of our musicians spent Sunday 23 April at Bolton Junior Girls School for an AJIS Proms event. They had a very busy day, with sectional rehearsals in the morning, followed by a full orchestra rehearsal in the afternoon and a concert for parents and guests from 4-5pm. The conductor was Mark Heron who was most impressed with their efforts throughout the day and the standard achieved. The pupils had practised hard to prepare the music for the event, including exciting pieces such as Mars from Holst's Planets, Stravinsky's Firebird Finale, Grieg's In the Hall of the Mountain King, and, of course, the National Anthem. This was a fantastic opportunity to play wonderful music alongside seventy other musicians, all juniors, ranging in standard from Grade 2 to Grade 7.
Well done everybody!
AJIS Sings
On Tuesday 9 May, fourteen excited children had a very early start for the annual AJIS Sings event. AJIS Sings is a superb event where representatives from all the North West independent schools meet and perform in a massed choir. The children hadn't seen the songs before arriving at Kings Macclesfield school and spent the day in rehearsals culminating in a wonderful concert in the afternoon. The choir, made up of nearly 200 voices, was truly remarkable and it certainly was a memorable experience for all involved. All of our children actively participated and were an absolute credit to the school.