4 April 2018

We were delighted to display such an array of talent to an audience of over three hundred and fifty at our recent Performing Arts Evening. The evening began with a wonderful Art Gallery of all our pupils’ masterpieces, accompanied by a wine and canapé reception. This was followed by a thoroughly enjoyable evening of music, dance and drama with every child from J1 through to J4 having the opportunity to take part. We witnessed beautiful guitar, vocal and piano solos. Each year group offered a variety of performances, including performance poetry, singing, ukulele choir and a medley from ‘Oliver.’ We had some excellent group performances from our percussion, guitar and violin ensembles. It was wonderful to hear our rock guitarists play their own composition and the orchestra playing four superb pieces. The cheerleading solo and dance duet were both outstanding and received huge applause from the audience. The AJIS Choir Champions entertained us with two expressive performances and the whole school sang together, along with a very enthusiastic audience who willingly joined in with the dance moves. The evening ended with a ‘bang’ as the confetti cannons provided an explosive finale! Thank you to all the pupils and staff for putting together such a memorable evening.