31 January 2019

On Tuesday 29th January KGJS travelled to Wigan to take part in the annual Association of Junior Independent Schools Indoor Athletics Championships.
27 schools from throughout the North West took part with over 650 competitors involved.
Kirkham had trained hard leading up to the championships and also took part in two very competitive warm up matches against Lytham Road Running and Athletics Club.
The competition is always very tough with so many schools involved. The Championship events included, sprints, throws, jumps, balance activities, sprint relays and obstacle relays.
The Championship events included; sprints, throws, jumps, balance activities, sprint relays and obstacle relays. After over four hours of competition KGJS had recorded the following results:
U11 Boys Balance
Jenson Crompton (Set AJIS Record)
U11 Girls Balance
Nikita Murthy (Set AJIS Record)
U10 Boys Balance
Bertie Jones
U10 Boys Speed Bounce
Tom Barton
U11 Boys Obstacle Relay
William de Klerk
Alex Davies
Jenson Crompton
Harry Marsh
U10 Boys Obstacle Relay
Oliver Littlechild
Bertie Jones
William Thompson
Freddie Wiltshire
U11 Boys Triple Jump
Max Musson
U11 Boys Vertical Jump
Rowan Edwards
U11 Boys Speed Bounce
Harry Marsh
U10 Boys Triple Jump
Oliver Littlechild
U11 Girls Vertical Jump
Lola Sidani
U10 Girls Balance
Evelyn So
U10 Girls Obstacle Relay
Evelyn So
Issy Gut
Regan Lowe
Zara Gilchrist
As you can see these are a very pleasing set of results and fully deserved after all their hard work. Well done to all!