29 March 2019

A huge congratulations to the Junior School ‘Mary Poppins Jr.’ cast for four amazing performances over 3 days! You were all brilliant! Thank you to parents for your support over the last few months! We hope you all enjoyed the 2019 production! The feedback we have received has been wonderful. Thank you to our fantastic KGS Senior School and Sixth Form pupils who helped both during rehearsals and during the performances; backstage, selling ice creams, programmes and raffle tickets, assisting with lighting, costumes and make-up...the list is endless!
Don’t forget the photographs, taken by Mrs Tickle, will be on display at the Junior School until 12 noon next Friday 5 April 2019. These are 7 x 8 mounted photographs - single photo £6 or three for £15. We are also taking orders for the Mary Poppins Jr. DVD priced at £12. The filming company came to both evening performances and this will provide lasting memories of an amazing production! Please see the Junior School Office for photograph/DVD order forms.