17 May 2019

On Tuesday 14 May, the Junior and Intermediate boys’ and girls’ athletics teams competed in the first round of the English School’s Track & Field Cup.
The girls started in the field totting up numerous points in both the throws and jumps. Millie Homan set the bar high with great points in the hammer event followed by Jessica Cole, Rebecca Fisher and Talia Armstead. Both the Junior and Intermediate girls were in a great position at the half way point but had a tough afternoon of track events in the heat; the weather was beautiful but didn’t make for the best conditions when running in the 1500m and 800m events. Nevertheless, Martha Millar, Emma Savidge and Kate Cookson ran great races earning valuable points for their teams. The relays were the last events of the day and both teams needed to get the baton safely round to ensure they concluded what had been a very successful day.
There were a number of key performers for the Intermediate boys’ team. Harry Burrow competed in both the pole vault and 80m hurdles and scored an outstanding 53 points on his own. Harry Booth scored an impressive 43 points in the 300m and triple jump, Joe Medcalfe scored 41 points in the 200m and shot put and Archie Dowds scored 37 points in the 200m and long jump. Top performers in the juniors were James Stacey and Seb Kelly in the 300m and shot put, scoring 34 and 35 points respectively. Tom Wilkinson and Harry Case also proved to be pivotal in the hurdles and high jump scoring 31 points each.
Everyone recognised that the Junior and Inter teams had given their all and there was much delight when the final results were announced! The Intermediate boys finished top of the pile and qualified for the regional A finals, whilst the Junior boys finished a very respectable second, qualifying for the regional B final. Both girls’ teams were victorious to qualify for the regional A finals in June.
To view a selecion of photographs from the event please go to our KGS Flickr page at