14 January 2020

The Old Kirkhamians' Association flag flew at half-mast last week in memory of one of our oldest and most distinguished Old Kirkhamians, Lawrence Abram, who died on Thursday 2 January at the age of 93, after a period of ill health.
Lawrence was KGS to the core, a local boy with family connections to the school both preceding and succeeding his time at the school under Rev'd Cresswell Strange. He last visited school in 2018 and regaled the Headmaster and Mr Adrian Long with wonderful tales of school life in the 1940s, and he clearly loved the school and its values dearly. His grandchildren Rosemary and Jack Ward were at KGS in relatively recent years.
He served as President of the OKA in 1997-98 and was a loyal supporter of School and OKA events until very recently.