5 August 2020
GCSE Results – Thursday 20 August 2020
This year, examination results will be available on the iSAMS Student Portal from 8.00 am on Thursday 20 August.
All pupils have been sent a letter with further information and log in details.
If you have any problems logging into the Student Portal please email m.hancock@kirkhamgrammar.co.uk
Sixth Form enrolment will take place between 12.30 pm and 2.00 pm on Thursday 20 August.
Heads of Department will be available in the SLH to discuss your options, prior to lessons commencing on Friday 21 August.
Lower Sixth Boarding students will be able to attend the Boarding House induction straight after enrolment on 20 August.
We are still following DfE guidance with respect to minimising the risk of transmission/exposure to Covid-19, which means that:
- those with Covid-19 symptoms, or living with someone in their household who does, cannot attend school (please leave a message on the school absence reporting line, if this is the case)
- those attending school will be asked to use the hand sanitisers upon arrival
- you must attend the SLH on your own and are asked to avoid mixing as far as possible and practise social distancing in line with current government guidance inside the building and out (family members will need to wait for you in the car/ outside the school grounds)