22 January 2021

For a second year, Kirkham Grammar School will be hosting a Summer Hockey Camp’ from Monday 23 August 2021 through to Thursday 26 August 2021.
The course will include:
- A fully residential Hockey camp professionally delivered by Susannah Townsend, Olympic Gold medallist with GB Hockey.
- Strength and Conditioning sessions
- Diet and Nutrition sessions.
- Breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper and snacks.
- Kirkham Grammar School PE staff also in attendance throughout the course.
Cost £449 (£50 early bird discount for bookings made before Friday 12 February 2021 - £399!)
Places will be limited and offered on a first come first served basis and is open to girls in J4 through to Sixth Form.
To book your daughter’s place or for more information please email Michelle Tickle at: m.tickle@kirkhamgrammar.co.uk