10 August 2021
KGS Transition Day
We are delighted to invite our September 2021 First Year pupils for a Transition Day on Tuesday 31 August 2021. During the event, the pupils will be given the opportunity to meet school staff and other new pupils and take part in some exciting activities.
The Transition Day will run from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm. It is advised that pupils please wear comfortable clothing, for example, a tracksuit or PE kit as opposed to school uniform. A complimentary lunch will also be provided.
On arrival, please go to the drop-off point at the front of the school where you will be met by a member of staff. The pupils can be collected from the front of school at 1.00 pm. To confirm your child's attendance, please visit the link below and complete the required fields no later than Friday 20 August 2021.