13 December 2021

It has been great to return to our fundraising this year and what a fantastic start we have had.
Our first event, the Winter Party in November, was held at The Villa. A fabulous evening of fantastic food, fun entertainment and an amazing auction, with donations from Mr Bill Bailey and Preston Grasshoppers, Scossa Preston, Porsche Preston and Mrs Alicia Blanco Bayo. Thank you to all of the parents and teachers who also provided raffle prizes and supported the event. We raised a fantastic £4,500.
Our first 'Bag 2 School' collection also took place in November and we are hoping to have a further collection in the Spring Term, so please continue to save clothes and shoes that you no longer need.
We saw our first Pre-loved Uniform Sale take place for some time. We received an amazing response to our request for uniform contributions and we really cannot thank people enough for their support. We made over £600 with many people walking away with some great bargains.
Our annual Christmas Lunch also proved to be popular again and Churchill's, Mill Farm couldn't have been better hosts. What a super start to the festive period.
The beginning of next year will hopefully see the return of the school disco for our junior children, our Mother's Day Gift Sale, and with a Spring Pre-loved Uniform Sale and a second 'Bag 2 School' collection, it promises to be another busy term.
None of these events would be possible without The Friends of KGS committee and I cannot thank you all enough. I am overwhelmed with the additional support from our many additional groups of helpers, teachers and pupils. Thank you.
If you struggle to attend our events but would like to get involved in our fundraising efforts there are plenty of ways you can help:
Registering with Easy Fundraising UK turns your everyday online shopping into free donations for The Friends of KGS with no cost to you. Simply register with www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/fokgs/ and start shopping with over 4000 online retailers.
We are also a registered charity with Amazon Smile. Select us as your chosen charity and every time you shop on Amazon and check out using Amazon Smile they will donate money to us. Who knew shopping could be so productive!
We are always looking for extra help, whether this is by joining our committee, time helping at our events, suggesting funding raising ideas or donating raffle/auction prizes - your help is always greatly appreciated. Supporting The Friends of KGS is rewarding, fun and a great way to make new friends within the Kirkham Grammar School family.
The Friends of Kirkham Grammar School wish you all a very merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Kerry Greenwood
Chairman – Friends of Kirkham Grammar School