18 March 2022

As we have watched the awful situation in the Ukraine unfold we strongly feel that as a school and a community we need to do something to support the people directly.
After much consideration, we have decided to provide further support and want to deliver aid directly to Ukrainian refugees at the Ukrainian border. Therefore, a group of three staff, Mr Berry, Mr Thompson and Mr Duncan, will be setting off during the Easter Holiday in a school minibus to deliver much needed help.
We are hoping that by taking the supplies directly to the Ukrainian border, this will ensure that the refugees are receiving vital support when they most need it. We are forever grateful for your unwavering generosity whenever we make an appeal. However, we do need to ask for your help again.
We are asking each Form to gather one large travel bag of appropriate supplies together with a letter of support which we hope to be able to have translated into Ukrainian.
Below is a list of the essential items needed. In order to avoid duplication, your child’s Form Tutor will assign items for pupils willing to take part:
- Large holdall bag
- Fleeces or similar
- Toiletries
- Non-perishable British food (Hamper)
- Cooking stoves (small trangia)
- Gas for stoves
- Torches
- Trainers
- Leggings
- Ladies sanitary products
- Paracetamol/ibuprofen
- Sleeping bags
All items should be new and not pre-worn
We hope we can count on your support with this charitable mission which we have named 'Operation Isobel’ after the historical philanthropist, Isobel Birley, whose charitable work for the school is an inspiration for all to follow.
Thank you