22 March 2022

A group of past and present Kirkham Grammar School staff and governors had the pleasure of gathering for a reception in the KGS dining hall last night to celebrate the opening of the Simon Painter Art Gallery.
Over the years, since it was opened in 2002, the walls of the Dining Hall have always been very effectively used to display the wonderful variety of artwork in various media produced by students of all ages - much of it produced under the expert tuition of Simon Painter during his 25 year teaching career at the School.
It is therefore most appropriate that this collection has been formalised and named in honour of Simon, whose talent and enthusiasm for art has been such a feature of KGS life over his time with us.
Monday’s event saw Mr. Barrie Stacey, former KGS Headmaster, who appointed Simon in 1996, perform the opening ceremony having shared some memories of Simon’s early days, and Simon himself then regaled the gathering with some anecdotes from his KGS career, in which his love of cricket was shared with the same passion as his love of art.
The gallery will remain as a showcase not only for some of his own work, donated to the School, but also for present and future KGS artists, reflecting the continuing place of the visual arts as one of the School’s many strengths.