27 January 2023

On Thursday 26 January, our KGS J4 and J3 pupils competed at the annual AJIS Indoor Athletics competition at Robin Park, Wigan. The day was a huge success and the pupils travelled back to school with an abundance of medals!
Our medal winners were as follows:
Ava (J4) 2nd in 3 lap race
William C (J3) 1st in speed bounce
Leo (J4) 2nd in triple jump
Henry (J3) 3rd in long jump
Poppy (J4) 3rd in chest push
Sebastian (J4) 2nd in speed bounce
Eleanor (J4) 2nd in vertical jump
Holly (J3) 2nd in the 3 lap race
William C (J3) 2nd in the 3 lap race
Alexa (J4) 3rd in triple jump
Paarlauf Relay - William C and Zach (J3) 1st
Obstacle Relay - Harriet, Bea, Alexa & Eleanor (J4) 1st
Well done to all who took part and congratulations to our medallists!
Please click on each individual image to view...
AJIS Athletics 2023