9 March 2023

Kirkham Grammar School Junior and Infant pupils were recently invited to enter Blackpool Gazette’s Young Seasiders' Arts and Crafts competition.
We received outstanding artwork from I1 through to J4 and had the mammoth challenge of selecting the final entries to be displayed at the exhibition.
to our winners; Nia M (J4) and Lucas V (I3).
The following pupils artwork is showcased at the exhibition: Rohan Howe, Olivia Murusidze, Renzo Mancini-Granger, Annabelle Mcilwham, Hunter Smith
Scarlett Smith, Phoebe Smith, Eleanor Desoer, Iris James, Hugh Donbavand
Nurin Tafti, Niki Tafti, Thea Bamber, Riva Pimlott, Fatimah Omer, Annie Sagar and Katie Ainsworth.
Well done to you all!
The exhibition can be viewed until Friday 31 March at: The Gallery, Blackpool & the Fylde College, University Campus, Park Road, Blackpool FY1 4ES
Opening times: Monday - Thursday 9.00am - 7.00pm Friday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm.
Their photographs will appear in The Gazette on Thursday 16 March.