20 March 2023

Old Kirkhamian, David John Uttley (KGS 1975-1981), is the newest Melanoma UK ambassador, and he is working very hard to raise awareness and funds for this very worthwhile and important charity. He is determined to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, and his fundraising efforts have already commenced with vigour. The ascent is booked and scheduled for this August.
His new role as an ambassador for Melanoma UK is incredibly important to David. Speaking about his role, David said, "to be able to educate people of the dangers of Melanoma and the sun is massively important - the danger of leaving things alone and burying your head is just too much of a very expensive risk. Early diagnosis is the key, and education runs hand in hand with that. We need to know what to look for and what to do - The last 10 years have been a roller coaster and the last 18 months have been a massive challenge - mentally and physically.
Please read David's story, and support David in reaching his target to fund a Mole Mapping Scanner, please click on the links below: