29 June 2023

Kirkham Grammar School I2 pupils enjoyed a wonderful trip to Williamson Park earlier this month.
First, they visited the Butterfly House where they admired the beautiful sights of a myriad of colourful butterflies and learnt about their stages of development. Later in the morning, the pupils met various interesting animals including a tortoise, a bearded dragon, a hissing cockroach and an albino snake, called Strawberry Milk Snake! They were able to hold the animals if they wished and the keeper gave the pupils lots of fascinating facts. Before lunch, they enjoyed a minibeast hunt in the cool woods and even did a little bird watching in the specially camouflaged hide. They then enjoyed their tasty picnic on a grassy area next to the play park where they had lots of fun in the sun!
After lunch the I2s saw more animals including tarantulas, lizards and frogs in the reptile cave. They loved seeing the cheeky meerkats outside, too! The pupils were given the opportunity to purchase souvenirs in the gift shop to remind them all of a very special day.
Before boarding the coach back to school, they all played happily on the dappled grass.
A fabulous day!