Registration Forms

Parents are encouraged to visit the school to meet the Headmistress and view the facilities. Appointments for a private tour can be made by contacting the Registrar on 01772 684264 or email:

The main intakes are at 3+ into the Pre-School, 4+ into our Reception class and at 7+ into Year 3. However, children do join us in different year groups at various times during the school year. Our pupils come from a broad spectrum of backgrounds. Many children join our Pre-School each year. Most children, but not all, who join our Reception class will have attended a nursery or playgroup. Children joining the Infants and Juniors come from both independent and maintained primary schools.

Following a visit to the school, prospective pupils will be invited to attend a 'Taster/Assessment Day' where he or she will join his or her year group and meet pupils and staff. The entrance assessment will consist of short tests in reading, spelling, literacy and numeracy – these will be designed to assess each child's potential and will be taken in a relaxed atmosphere with a teacher on hand to explain any instructions the children do not understand. Our aim is to find out what each child can do, rather than what they cannot. Lunch is provided and the day is organised to be as relaxed as possible. At this stage, if you have not already done so, you will need to provide us with a completed Registration Form and, if possible, a copy of your child's school report as well as any relevant educational reports.

The Headmistress will then meet with parents at the end of the day with the result of the assessment. If a place is offered, permission will be obtained to contact the pupil's current school for a reference. An offer letter is then sent the following day along with an acceptance form and other relevant documentation. There is a charge of £30 per child for the assessment, payable by cheque to Kirkham Grammar School on the day of the assessment.