15 January 2020

In September, Old Kirkhamian, Elyssia Cockshott realised her ambition by securing a place at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA). Elyssia first developed a love for drama when she played the role of 'Nancy' in Oliver under the direction of Junior School Deputy Head, Helen Shuttleworth. In addition to this, Elyssia won two ‘Best Actress’ NODAs under Jane Barrie’s direction at the Senior School. The process for getting into any drama school, but imparticular RADA, is brutal with thousands auditioning for a handful of places. Having got close to but not securing a place, Elyssia moved to France and studied in Fontainebleau, Paris before finally gaining a well-deserved place in September. Elyssia's dad said of her achievement, "None of this would have been possible without the amazing support Elyssia received at Kirkham Grammar School". Congratulations, Elyssia!