27 March 2020

Image of Our First Week of Remote Learning

As we come to the end of our first week of remote learning, we hope you have all made the best of it during these unprecedented times. It has been lovely to receive so many emails and messages from parents who have shared a variety of photographs of the pupils not only working hard but also having fun and enjoying the outdoors (once a day!).

Pupils, parents and staff have joined in with The Body Coach 'PE with Joe' every day at 9 am on YouTube. This is a great start to the day! In addition to this, our PE girls (and some boys) and KGS staff have been keeping their fitness up thanks to the AJ Fitness live workouts on Instagram. If you would like to join in and keep track of your exercise and diet, the full details are on the pupil idrive!

Pupils have continued to enjoy their music lessons with Mr Vernon and Miss Howard thanks to the wonders of Skype technology and we thank them very much for their continued commitment.

Both staff and pupils alike are enjoying the 30 Day Lego Challenge. This week's tasks have included creating: a new home for your mum and dad, a Hollywood movie set for a new Star Wars movie and a rocket for NASA.

Tree of Knowledge have created a 'Timetable of Fun'- a month's worth of fun activities, games and challenges that you can take part in from the comfort of your own home!

Another lovely idea…every time you wish you could do something, go somewhere, treat yourself, see someone you love, visit a new place or invite people to visit you - write it down on a post-it note and put it in a jar! When this period is over, work your way through the jar and be more grateful than ever for the little and lovely things in your life. Until then, enjoy watching the jar fill up with magical things to look forward to!

In Assembly each week we would normally celebrate our Junior, Infant and Pre-School pupils' birthdays. During this period of remote learning, every Monday we will celebrate our pupils' birthdays for the forthcoming week via social media! The following pupils have celebrated their birthday during the last week and we hope you all had a lovely day: Maddison, Jasmine S, Faris, Louie, Ellis, Jasmine L, Charlotte, Ruby and Amy-Leigh.

Please do follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and tag us in your posts/tweets. There will continue to be updates over the coming days/weeks to help keep your child(ren) entertained.

Twitter: @KirkhamGrammar @KGJS_

Facebook: @kirkhamgrammarschool

Instagram: @kirkhamgrammar

Or alternatively email me at m.tickle@kirkhamgrammar.co.uk

Take care and stay safe!


Michelle Tickle 

Head of Communication & Publicity



Tags: 2019-2020 remotelearning