24 March 2023

This morning, Kirkham Grammar School welcomed Janice Alexander from the Amy Winehouse Foundation into school. In Amy’s memory, the foundation work to inspire children and young people to build their self-esteem and resilience, so they can flourish.
Their work is inspired by Amy’s spirit, her love of children and the challenges that she faced in her own life.
Janice spoke powerfully to our Fifth Year and Sixth Form pupils about her challenging upbringing, her relationship with drugs and the long term impact it has had on herself, her family and children.
Today, the Amy Winehouse Foundation helps thousands of young people to feel supported and informed, so that they are better able to manage their emotional wellbeing and make informed choices around things that can affect their lives.
Thank you, Janice, for visiting KGS.
More information regarding the foundation can be viewed at: https://amywinehousefoundation.org/