28 March 2023

Our Pre-School and Infant pupils had a wonderful 'Baking Day’ on Monday. They thoroughly enjoyed making their individual 'croissant bread puddings'. The pupils learnt how to cut using a knife safely, spread, whisk and pour, whilst also using their counting skills to measure quantities accurately. Their puddings certainly smelt delicious once cooked!
Yesterday, our Junior pupils enjoyed their Baking Day…with an Italian theme and made calzone pizzas to take home!
Thank you to Cook Stars Preston for a fantastic day.
A selection of photographs from both Baking Days can be viewed on our Kirkham Grammar School Flickr page at:
Infant Baking Day: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kgsphotos/albums/72177720307050308
Junior Baking Day: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kgsphotos/albums/72177720307156024