10 September 2019

This Summer, KGS First Year pupil, Brooke Medhurst was offered a full bursary place on the EYSM (European Youth Summer Music) course. The residential music course for musicians aged 11-16 years took place at St Catherine's School in Bramley, Guildford from 28 July to 3 August 2019 and saw students from all over Europe travel to take part. A very prestigious achievement!
Below, in her own words, Brooke tells us about this amazing experience!
The European Youth Summer Camp (EYSM) was amazing! I have never been involved with anything like this before and really appreciate what a great opportunity it has been.
I also got the chance to make so many new friends from the UK and around the world: America, Germany and France!
When we arrived on the Sunday, we got to meet our group and spent time getting to know each other.
On Monday we had our first lessons and had to sign up to activities for the week that took place after breakfast, before lunch and after supper: you got to choose from a singing/choir session or an instrumental activity.
Every morning we got up at 7.00 am as our first lesson was at 7.30 am.
My days were in this order:
- Gospel Choir
- Breakfast
- Improvisation
- Group singing lesson with Travis
- Lunch
- Private singing lessons with Travis /
Rehearsals for are solo pieces
- Course Choir
- Chamber Choir
- Supper
- Musical Theatre
- Night Entertainment
- Free Time – Jamming in the Music Rooms, Swimming, tennis, Frisbee etc..
- Then BED!
We were kept very busy!!
Although this was our timetable on most days, we did manage to do other things in between. On Tuesday we had an open mic concert for anyone who wished to display their talent vocally or on an instrument. Lots of people (and teachers) took part. It was an evening to remember!
On Wednesday we had lots of exciting lessons and a fantastic quiz night where we enjoyed snacks, drinks and obviously the challenging quizzes.
Friday was our first concert, it was enjoyable, but we only gave the audience a little peek at what we had been getting up to all week - my Mum was amazed!!
Saturday was the concert which was spectacular. Performances started at 2.30 pm and carried on until after 7.00 pm. The concert showcased EYMS:
- Wind Orchestra
- Strings
- Sinfonia
- Course Orchestra
- Big band
- Chamber choir
- Gospel Choir (During High Tea)
- Individual compositions
- Vocal Duet
Lots of people attended and were very surprised at the amount of music performed and the standard of music that children to teens produced.
Overall it was an exciting and brilliant week. I would love to go again - meet new people and hopefully see the friends I've made this year!
by Brooke Medhurst